Publications (Non-Peer-Review)
An atomic-scale perspective on individual thiol-terminated molecules anchored to single S vacancies in MoS2
J. R. Simon, D. Maksimov, C. Lotze, P. Wiechers, J. P. G. Felipe, B. Kobin, J. Schwarz, S. Hecht, K. J. Franke and M. Rossi
arXiv: 2404.01128
Accessing a Diverse Set of Functional Red-Light Photoswitches by Selective Copper-Catalyzed Indigo N-Arylation
A. K. Jaiswal, P. Saha, J. Jiang, K. Suzuki, A. Jasny, B. M. Schmidt*, S. Maeda, S. Hecht and C.-Y. Huang*

Revisiting peri-aryloxyquinones: From a forgotten photochromic system to a promising tool for emerging applications
A. Lvov*, L. Klimenko, V. Bykov and S. Hecht*
Azobenzenes can achieve near-infrared photocontrol in biological systems, with quantitative Z -> E photoisomerization, via singlet manifold photoredox
B. Baumgartner, V. Glembockyte, R. J. Mayer, A. J. Gonzalez-Hernandez , R. O. Kindler, A. Valavalkar, A. J. Wiegand, A. Müller-Deku, L. Grubert, F. Steiner, C. Gross, M. Reynders, V. Grenier, J. Broichhagen, S. Hecht, P. Tinnefeld, A. R. Ofial, B. Dietzek-Ivanšic, J. Levitz, O. Thorn-Sesho*
Bond dissociation dynamics of single molecules on Ag(111)
D. Civita, J. Schwarz, S. Hecht and L. Grill*
arXiv: 2308.02091
How hybrid excitons suppress charge separation: ultrafast, but delayed
L. Giester, O. Turkina, J. Deinert, S. Vempati, E. B. Dodoo, Y. Garmshausen, S. Hecht, C. Draxl and J. Stähler*
arXiv: 2307.05257
Shining a Light on Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras
E. Teichmann, S. Hecht*
ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 1645-1647
Optisch konfigurierbarer, organischer Transistor
M. Herder, M. Pätzel, S. Hecht*
Phys. Unserer Zeit 2019, 50, 112-113
Vom wohl- oder übelriechenden Spargelurin
K. Roth* und S. Streller mit: D. Appel, J. Ascherl, A. Baum, S. Bestgen, R.-C. Brachvogel, J. Buchsbaum, C. Dee, T. J. Feuerstein, E. A. Glitscher, A.-B. Grebhahn, J. Guschlbauer, S. Hecht, A. Heib, C. Heintz, G. Hierlmeier, R. Jordan, T. Klein, U. Koch, A. Kottmann, R. M. Kramer, M. M. Krejca, G. H.M. de Kruijff, H. Ku?hnle, R. O. Kusche, A. Lechner, K. Locke, P. Luger, A. Märker, J. Märker, S. Märker, M. Meissner, A. Metz, J. Moegling, G. Nagel, C. Neis, S. Ossinger, L. Pietsch, J. Pöppinghaus, G. Pöppinghaus, A. Roth, U. Schmitz, F. P. Schmitz, M. J. Schöwe, L. Schulz, E. Siemes, S. Sobottka, M. Stapf, D. J. Tindall, U. Vollgraf, C. Wulf, D. Zeller
Chem. Unserer Zeit 2019, 53, 2-5.
On-Surface Polymerization: From Polyarylenes to Graphene Nanoribbons and Two-Dimensional Networks
M. Koch, S. Hecht, L. Grill*
Adv. Polym. Sci. 2017, 278, 99-125 in "From Polyphenylenes to Nanographenes and Graphene Nanoribbons" (Eds. K. Müllen, X. Feng) Springer
Mit molekularen Photoschaltern Materialien kontrollieren
A. Fuhrmann, M. Kathan, R. Göstl, S. Hecht*
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2017, 65, 525-529
Lighting up future materials and devices
S. Hecht*
Adjacent Government 2017, February issue, 150-151
Strategies for switching with visible light
D. Bléger*, S. Hecht*
in “Photon-Working Switches” (Eds. Y. Yokoyama, K. Nakatani), Springer, 2017, 93-114. ToC
Light-Gated Chemical Reactions and Catalytic Processes
R. Göstl, A. Senf, S. Hecht*
in “Photochromic Materials” (Eds. H. Tian, J. Zhang), Wiley-VCH, 2016, pp. 167-193
The Emergence of Covalent On-Surface Polymerization
C. Nacci, S. Hecht*, L. Grill*
in “On-Surface Synthesis” (Ed. A. Gourdon), Springer, 2016, 1-21. ToC
Azobenzene: Teaching an old dog some new tricks
D. Bléger, S. Hecht*
EPA Newsletter 2015, June issue, 20-31
On-surface polymerization as a facile method for bottom-up nanoconstruction on inorganic semiconductor substrates
M. Kolmer, R. Zuzak, A. A. Zebari, S. Godlewski, J. S. Prauzner-Bechcicki, M. Szymonski, W. Piskorz, F. Zasada, Z. Sojka, D. Bléger, S. Hecht
enano newsletter 2014, December issue, 9-12
Innovationskeim: Hybridmaterialien
S. Hecht*, N. Koch*
/ "Innovation Seed: Hybrid Materials", Editorial in Adlershof Special 2013, issue 30
ISOP 2013: Schalten und Walten in Berlin
Meeting Report
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2013, 61, 1275-1276
Über den Mehrwert von Schriftensammlungen
S. Hecht*
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2013, 61, 808
Organic Electronics for a Better Tomorrow: Innovation, Accessiblity, Sustainability
White Paper
from the Chemical Sciences and Society Summit (CS3) in San Francisco, U.S.A., Sep-2012
Photoswitchable General Base Catalysts" in "Asymmetric Synthesis: More Methods and Applications
P. Viehmann, S. Hecht*
(Eds.: M. Christmann, S. Bräse), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2012, pp. 139-145
Bottom-up zu molekularen Nanostrukturen
M. Gille, L. Grill, S. Hecht*
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2012, 60, 986-990
Maßgeschneiderte Moleküle für die Nanowissenschaften
S. Hecht*
Humboldt-Spektrum 2011, 2-3, 74-77
3. Chinesisch-Deutsches Symposium „Frontiers of Chemistry“
Meeting Report
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2010, 58, 1180
Clickamers and Clickates as Versatile Building Blocks in Macromolecular and Supramolecular Chemistry
M.-A. Berlin, M. Ostermeier, R. M. Meudtner, C. Limberg,* S. Hecht*
Polym. Prep. 2009, 50(2), 261
Stabile und funktionale Nanostrukturen aus Molekülen
S. Hecht*, L. Grill*
nanoworld 2008, 1(2), 18-19
Designing Photoswitchable Foldamers: Towards Smart Delivering Vehicles
C. Winterboer, S. Hecht*
Polym. Prep. 2008, 49(1), 1005.
Folded Heteroaromatic Backbones Based on Triazoles: Combining Synthetic Accessibility with Defined Conformational Preferences
R. M. Meudtner, D. Zornik, S. Hecht*
Polym. Prep. 2008, 49(1), 177.
Commentary on the Excellence Initiative Humboldt 6-Dec-2007.
Commentary on the Excellence Initiative Humboldt 6-Dec-2007
Foldamere zum Design organischer Nanoröhren und intelligenter Transporter
S. Hecht*
Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2007, 307-310
Molecular switches: Isomerization of single azobenzene derivatives
L. Grill*, M. Alemani, K.-H. Rieder, F. Moresco, M. V. Peters, S. Hecht*
E nano newsletter Mar-2007, 22-24
Foldamers at Interfaces" in "Foldamers: Structure, Properties, and Applications
J. van Esch*, H. Valkenier, S. Hartwig, S. Hecht*
(Eds.: S. Hecht, I. Huc), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2007, pp. 403-426
Influence of Chirality on Conformation and Aggregation Behavior of Poly(propylene oxide)-Poly(phenylene ethynylene) Copolymers
M. A. Balbo Block, S. Hecht*
Polym. Mat. Sci. Eng. 2006, 95, 110-111
Synthesis, Tubular Scaffolding and Photocontrolling the Helix-Coil Transition in Phenylene Ethynylene Foldamers
A. Khan, S. Hecht*
Polym. Mat. Sci. Eng. 2006, 95, 73-74
Discrete Organic Nanotubes Based on a Combination of Covalent and Non-Covalent Approaches
M. A. Balbo Block, C. Kaiser, A. Khan, S. Hecht*
Top. Curr. Chem. 2005, 245, 89-150 in "Functional Molecular Nanostructures" (Ed. A. D. Schlüter) Springer
Photocontrolling the helix-coil transition: azobenzene-containing foldamers
A. Khan, S. Hecht*
Polym. Prep. 2005, 46(1), 161
Organic Nanotubes Based on Intramolecular Crosslinking of Helically Folding Polymers
A. Khan, S. Hecht*
Polym. Prep. 2004, 45(1), 743-744
Letter to the Editor about "Visa Check" Chem. & Eng. News 10-May-2004
Chem. & Eng. News 10-May-2004
CERC-3 Young Chemist Workshop Nanoscience
Meeting Report
Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2003, 51(7), 856
Development of a Functional Dendritic Monomer and Application to Sophisticated Light Harvesting Systems
W. R. Dichtel, S. Hecht, J. M. J. Fréchet*
Polym. Prep. 2002, 43(2), 985
Site Isolation of Functional Cores Using Branched Star Polymers
S. Hecht, N. Vladimirov, W. R. Dichtel, J. M. J. Fréchet*
Polym. Mat. Sci. Eng. 2001, 84, 849-850
A Versatile and Rapid Approach to Encapsulate Function – Porphyrin Core Star Polymers
S. Hecht, H. Ihre, J. M. J. Fréchet*
Polym. Prep. 2000, 41(1), 791-792